
Kurdistan Region Parliamentary Elections 2024

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Iraq’s Electoral Preparations and Processes reports

IHEC and UNAMI conclude lessons learned workshop

(IHEC) and (UNAMI) concluded a four-day general lessons learned workshop. Read more


Bringing in international expertise in support of Iraq’s parliamentary elections

Caption: A simulation training for UN election observers, including International UN volunteers, in the pre-election phase in Baghdad, Iraq (September, 2021).
Photo: © UNAMI, 2021

In October 2021, the people and Government of Iraq successfully concluded the country’s latest parliamentary elections. Read more



Iraq | IHEC and UNAMI conclude lessons learned workshop


Iraq | Interview with IHEC Board of Commissioners Chairman, Judge Jalil Adnan Khalaf

Iraq | Closing remarks by UNAMI OEA Senior Legal Adviser |IHEC&UNAMI lessons learned w/shop [30 Mar]


Iraq | Closing remarks by IHEC BoC Chairman at IHEC and UNAMI lessons learned workshop

IHEC and UNAMI Lessons Learned workshop [27-30 March 2022]: Closing remarks by IHEC Chairman, Judge Jalil Adnan Khalaf


UNAMI opening remarks | IHEC & UNAMI general Lesson Learned Workshop 2021 CoR Elections | 27 March


The Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) and the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) are jointly holding a general lesson learned workshop from 27-30 March 2022, in Sulaymaniyah. IHEC Board of Commissioners and UNAMI senior officials are attending the activity with the main objective to review together the experiences in organizing the 2021 Council of Representatives Elections and to discuss lessons, challenges and recommendations for further improving Iraq’s electoral processes.

Iraq | Election Day

Today hundreds of UN staff deployed in every governorate across all of Iraq. This is currently the UN’s biggest electoral mission worldwide. And the UN is proud to support all Iraqis as they cast their votes. #Vote4Iraq


Iraq held its special voting day on 8 October 2021

The United Nations was present #Vote4Iraq


Erbil-based artist Dashni Morad explains why voting matters | #Vote4Iraq

Watch Erbil-based artist @Dashni Morad explain why voting matters and why women should participate in Iraq's 10 October elections. #Vote4Iraq ​@Dashni Morad


Press Conference | Opening remarks by SRSG Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert

Press Conference | Opening remarks by SRSG Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert





Iraq | Activist and coach Revan Al-Tamimi encourages Iraqis

Iraq | Activist and coach Revan Al-Tamimi encourages Iraqis to #Vote4Iraq to make a difference


Iraq | Mosul influencer urges Iraqis to #Vote4Iraq

Watch Mosul-based activist and blogger Saker Maan Alzakaria as he encourages his fellow Iraqis to #Vote4Iraq.

#Vote4Iraq | Engaging Iraq's deaf community

The United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), in partnership with Iraq's Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC), continues to reach out to Iraqi voters across the country, to ensure that everyone has the tools they need to cast their ballots on 10 October. In our latest video, see how Iraq's deaf community is being engaged. #Vote4Iraq


Iraq | IHEC Simulation Exercise

As Iraq's elections rapidly approach, Deputy Special Representative for Iraq of the United Nations Secretary-General, Ms. Ingibjörg Sólrún Gísladóttir, explains why simulations are important and how the United Nation is helping Iraq's Independent High Electoral Commission to ensure that Election Day will run smoothly. #Vote4Iraq


Iraq | Electronic Voter Cards

In any democratic elections, credibility and transparency are key. In our latest video, see what's being done to help ensure that electronic voter cards won't contribute to fraud in Iraq's 10 October elections. #Vote4Iraq


Iraq | Message from SRSG Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert to Iraqi voters

Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Iraq, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, to Iraqi voters: "At the ballot box, you have an opportunity to make your voice heard… This is your country. Your future. Your vote. Make it count." #Vote4Iraq


Iraq | #Vote4Iraq

As Iraq’s 10 October elections approach, Iraqis are talking about the issues that matter most to them and how voting can give them a chance to be heard. #Vote4Iraq


Iraq | #Vote4Iraq

Iraq's election will be more credible if it involves as many Iraqi voters as possible. And that includes the deaf community. That's why the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) recruited a sign language interpreter to help Iraq’s Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) broaden its reach.  All Iraqis should have the information they need to #Vote4Iraq.


The United Nations is proud to support the Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC)

The United Nations is proud to support Iraq’s Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) ahead of the October elections - in areas such as: election simulations; ballot paper design and printing; advice on COVID-19; security planning; and recruitment and training of polling staff. More information in our new video! #Vote4Iraq


Iraq | New video on election improvements

This new video by the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) breaks down how the October 2021 early elections differ from the previous ones held in 2018. #Vote4Iraq



Supporting Elections In The Age Of Misinformation And Disinformation

UNAMI Office of Electoral Assistance (OEA) holds a workshop for Independent High Election Commission (IHEC) staff from Kirkuk Governorate

UNAMI Office of Electoral Assistance holds workshop on gender mainstreaming in election process for the Independent High Election Commission staff

UNAMI Office of Electoral Assistance holds workshop on gender mainstreaming in election process for Independent High Election Commission staff in Ninewa Governorate

UNAMI Office of Electoral Assistance holds workshop for IHEC logistics and procurement staff

UNAMI Office of Electoral Assistance commences training on Electoral Legal Framework and Election Dispute Resolution

IHEC-UNAMI concluded seven thematic lessons learned workshops

IHEC – UNAMI jointly holds six thematic lessons learned workshops

What I Learned in Iraq

Security Council Press Statement | United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI)



Head of U.N. Mission travels to southern Iraq to discuss importance of 10 October Elections

UNAMI: Orientation sessions for the Iraqi High Commission for Human Rights in relation to the upcoming elections

Iraq’s political parties and independent candidates sign Electoral Code of Conduct as campaigns intensify

SRSG Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert conducts first “digital dialogue” with Iraqi voters

Nearly 4.7 million old Electronic Voter Cards taken out of Iraq’s electoral system ahead of October 10 polls

Opening Remarks by UN Special Representative Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert at press conference on Iraq elections | Baghdad, 7 September 2021

Transcript of Press Conference by the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Iraq and Head of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), Ms. Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert [As Delivered]

UNAMI lauds IHEC’s efforts to conduct public simulation exercises ahead of elections


When and where will the elections be held?

The legislative elections will take place on 10 October 2021 throughout Iraq.

Who sits on the Council of Representatives?

There are 329 seats.
320 seats among the governorates, within 83 constituencies.
The remaining 9 seats are reserved for:

  • Christians (5: Baghdad, Dohuk, Erbil, Kirkuk, Ninewa)
  • Yazidis (1: Ninewa)
  • Sabean Mandeans (1: Baghdad)
  • Shabaks (1: Ninewa)
  • Fayli Kurds (1: Wasit)

What is the Independent High Election Commission (IHEC)?

  • The only body that conducts Iraq’s national elections and referenda;
  • Created by the Iraqi Constitution;
  • Made up of a Board of Commissioners and Electoral Administration.

What does Iraq’s Independent High Election Commission (IHEC) do?

  • Conducts and oversees federal and local elections and referenda;
  • Adopts and implements regulations and policies for the administration of elections and referenda in Iraq;
  • Promotes electoral culture, voter education and democratic practices.

What is the UN’s role?

  • Advise and assist the Government of Iraq and IHEC on the planning and holding of credible Iraqi-led, Iraqi-owned elections;
  • Inform and update Iraqi voters on election preparations and related UN activities;
  • Monitor (in advance of and on) election day.

Who can vote?

Eligible voters must be:

  • Iraqi citizen
  • Legally competent
  • At least 18 years old
  • Registered in the registry of voters

What is the electoral system in Iraq?

  • “Single Non-Transferable Vote” system
  • Each voter casts one vote for one candidate
  • Every constituency has more than one seat
  • Candidates who get the most votes win seats

How are women represented in the elections?

  • According to the Constitution, 25% of all seats in the Council of Representatives are reserved for women
  • 1 seat in each of the 83 constituencies is set aside for female candidates
  • These are just minimums. More female candidates can be elected

How many candidates are running?

  • There are 3,249 candidates (as of 15 August);
  • Of those, 951 are women (29% of the total).

What are the eligibility criteria for candidates?

A candidate must:

  • Be a registered voter;
  • Hold a high school certificate or its equivalent;
  • Reside in the governorate where they are being nominated;
  • Submit a supporting list of 500 registered voters from the same constituency of candidacy;
  • Be at least 28 years old;
  • Not be covered by the Accountability and Justice Law;
  • Not have been convicted of a crime of moral turpitude;
  • Not be a member of the armed forces or security agencies, nor a member of the previous or current IHEC.