Protracted Displacement in Iraq: District of Origin Profiles, August 2021

In April 2019, the International Organization for Migration’s (IOM) Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) Unit in Iraq published a report, “An In-Depth Analysis of the Main Districts of Origin.” The aim of this report was to complement the information in a separate in-depth analysis of return barriers faced by IDPs, presented in the report “Reasons to Remain: Categorizing Protracted Displacement in Iraq,” which was published in November 2018.
In January 2021, IOM produced an updated in-depth report on return barriers, “Protracted Displacement in Iraq: Revisiting Categories of Return Barriers.” This report drew on data that had been collected since November 2018 in locations of displacement and return, and is centered on a categorization framework highlighting the different reasons why the remaining 1.2 million IDPs remained in displacement at that time.