In collaboration with the Center of Community Peace (CCP) of the Iraqi Academics Syndicate, UNAMI Human Rights Office held a two-day training at Al Mansour Hotel in Baghdad on 24 and 25 October for 30 members, (17 women and 13 men) of the CCP, comprising of university professors, research and teaching assistants on “Basic Human Rights Standards, National and International Protection Mechanisms”, including basic human rights principles and norms, the human rights provisions of the Constitution of Iraq 2005, rights of women, rights of persons with disabilities, rights of ethnic and religious communities and freedom of expression. Other areas included transitional justice and national reconciliation, protection of civilians, rule of law and administration of justice and the Iraq’s human rights reporting obligations. The aim of the training was to equip the participants with the necessary knowledge and skills that would enable them to raise awareness among their peers, students and the public to claim their human rights and in advocating and lobbying for improved human rights promotion and protection regime in Iraq. Participants appreciated the training and requested more specific trainings for their students and peers.