لێدوانی ڕۆژنامەوانی


٢٦ ئازار ٢٠١٠

Baghdad, 26 March 2010: Tonight we celebrate an historic achievement by the people of Iraq.

As the count for the national elections held between 4th and 7th March has been completed by IHEC there is now a solid basis for ratification by the Supreme Court.

In all stages the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq has provided support and advice on an impartial basis.

It is the UN’s considered opinion that these elections have been credible and we congratulate the people of Iraq with this success.

IHEC’s role has been challenging and challenged. They have undertaken their task with dedication. These elections have been truly and unprecedented Iraq’s own elections. No election in the world is perfect. There were imperfections and at some places serious issues. We condemn acts of intimidation that have occurred in the course of the process.

Overall we are confident that the system of counting contained the necessary checks and balances to ensure that the result is representative for the will of the voters. All results of almost 50,000 voting stations have been checked at least 8 times. On the basis of specific complaints submitted by different entities specific audits have been held on places with indications of irregularities. Ballot boxes that could not stand the test have not been included in the count. We have not found evidence of systematic failure or fraud of widespread nature.

The conclusion therefore is that the overall electoral process, including the adoption of the election law, the campaign, polling day and count has met reasonable demands and standards, with errors and doubts remaining within normal margins.

The UN calls on all candidates and entities to accept the result and to assume responsibility to lead Iraq to the next stage of democracy, stability and prosperity for all. Whether winning or losing, participation in the elections has been a collective victory.

The UN is proud that with our team of extremely dedicated

ڕێکخراوە بەشداربووەکانی سەر بە نەتەوە یەکگرتووەکان لەم دەستپێشخەرییە

UN Assistance Mission for Iraq

ئەو ئامانجانەی لە ڕێگای ئەم دەستپێشخەریەوە پشتگیریان لێدەکرێت