UN Migration Agency in Iraq Appeals for Funding to Assist IDPs and Returnees
١٠ ئازار ٢٠١٨
Iraq – The number of internally displaced Iraqis is currently more than 2.3 million, and those who have returned to their place of origin over 3.5 million. Responding to the needs of these vulnerable groups is a top priority for IOM, the UN Migration Agency in Iraq, as elaborated in the organization’s 2018 Crisis Funding Appeal.
The IOM appeal for USD 26.7 million highlights the urgent needs of more than 700,000 Iraqis across the country – returnees, host community members, and internally displaced persons (IDPs), especially those remaining in camps or informal settings, and those who may experience secondary displacement.
IOM Iraq’s appeal is in line with the United Nations’ Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) in Iraq, which was launched on 6 March in Baghdad, together with the Government of Iraq’s 2018 Plan for Relief, Shelter and Stabilization of IDPs.
“Across the country, Iraqis continue to be affected by the impact of the recent conflict, and require immediate support,” said IOM Iraq Chief of Mission Gerard Waite. “The requested funding is essential to provide continued humanitarian assistance for the displaced, and to support returnees to restore social, health, housing and community infrastructure so they are able to restart their lives.”
Just over half of IOM Iraq’s appeal is destined to assist IDPs and returnees with seasonal shelter and non-food items. The appeal also covers support to camp coordination and camp management teams; psychosocial care; health-care services; emergency livelihoods in retaken areas; and the implementation of the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM).
According to IOM Iraq’s DTM, an estimated 2,317,698 people continue to be displaced, and 3,511,602 people have returned since the beginning of the conflict in January 2014. Returns of displaced people to their area of origin currently exceed 100,000 per month.
Of the 2.3 million displaced, more than 631,000 live in camps, and nearly 260,000 live in critical shelter arrangements, such as informal settlements, unfinished buildings, religious and school buildings.
For data on displacement across Iraq please visit the IOM Iraq DTM website portal: http://iraqdtm.iom.int