National report submitted in accordance with Human Rights Council resolutions 5/1 and 16/21*
Human Rights Council
Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review
Forty-eighth session
20–31 January 2025
I. Introduction
1. The third national report of Iraq was reviewed in 2019. Iraq received 298 recommendations of which it supported 245, noted 48 and partially supported 5.
2. In June 2022, Iraq submitted its first midterm report regarding the implementation of the recommendations that had emerged from the third cycle of the universal periodic review. This was a voluntary undertaking that Iraq was careful to complete and submit on time.
3. Early legislative elections were held in November 2021 to select members of the Iraqi Council of Representatives. Then, in December 2023, legislative elections were held for the councils of governorates not incorporated into a region (annex 1).
4. The Republic of Iraq hereby submits its national report under the fourth cycle of the universal periodic review, outlining the progress that has been achieved in the field of human rights.